






kingows 發(fā)表于:2008-7-12 10:08:14
wow gold ,Mesos, which is the currency

Ten World of Warcraft Gold Leveling Secrets World of Warcraft is perhaps one of the biggest games on the market, with over eight-million subscribers, it certainly is already the number one MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game), the only problem, it seems, is the amount of time it takes to get to the end of the game via leveling. So without further ado, here’s ten leveling secrets that should help you level faster than ever. 1) TitanPanel/XP per hour - This tool is invaluable for anyone trying to manage their time within World of Warcraft, the panel when configured will tell you your average xp/hour. You can then chart your progress and see how efficient you’ve become at leveling. 2) Do quests - A lot of people seem to play the game thinking the best way to level is to go out killing monsters non-stop until they reach 70, while this will work, it’s horribly inefficient, instead, queue up quests and complete them in combination with grinding. 3) Queuing quests - The benefit of buy wow gold  queuing quests is twofold; for one, you don’t have to run from and to town turning in quests and picking up new ones, secondly, many of the quests in the same area involve killing or collecting items near the same location, queuing quests will make it easier to get all of them done in a timely manner.wow gold  rolex 4) Using your warcraft gold hearthstone - many people just bind their hearthstones to the largest cities in-game, this is great if you just need to check auctions or mail items, but while you’re leveling it can actually hurt your xp/hour to constantly fly in and out of these cities to your current leveling area, Instead, attempt to find an inn nearby that you can use to hearth when you complete quests, or when you want to take a break.wow gold  rolex 5) Group up for quests - All too many times you see people completing for kills of a rare mob for a specific quest, this is a horribly inefficient use of time considering the group system was put in place to allow people to cooperate on quests, if you see someone else on your quest, group up with them to complete it.wow gold  rolex

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